initial mean of ratings
sigma: numberinitial standard deviation of ratings
beta: numberdistance that guarantees about 76% chance of winning
tau: numberdynamic factor
draw probability of the game
reuseable gaussian
draw probability of the game
reuseable gaussian
Returns the value of the rating exposure. It starts from 0 and converges to the mean. Use this as a sort key in a leaderboard
Calculates the match quality of the given rating groups. Result is the draw probability in the association::
env = TrueSkill()
if (env.quality([team1, team2, team3]) < 0.50) {
console.log('This match seems to be not so fair')
weights: number[][]Taken from
Implements a TrueSkill environment. An environment could have customized constants. Every games have not same design and may need to customize TrueSkill constants.
For example, 60% of matches in your game have finished as draw then you should set
to 0.60const env = new TrueSkill(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.6);
For more details of the constants, see The Math Behind TrueSkill by Jeff Moser.